Cabinet de recrutement Bruxelles Archetype

Corporate team performance appraisal service

Service d'évaluation des performances des équipes d'entreprise
Experts in Human Capital for 30 years!


3 233
2 500



An experienced business manager must understand the importance of maintaining a high level of performance within your teams. To achieve this, you will need to use the right methods and tools to assess and develop the skills of every member of your organisation. Find out how Archetype, our in-company training company based in Brussels, Belgium, can help you achieve this goal with our corporate team performance assessment service.

The Archetype method: a global and personalised approach

With 30 years’ experience and more than 3,000 people trained in a variety of fields, including sales, communication, management and many others, our firm’s method is distinguished by its global and personalised approach. Aware of the uniqueness of each company and its members, we tailor our programmes to the specific needs of each one in order to maximise their impact on the performance of your teams and their personal development.

First step: defining objectives

Aligning with the expectations of the Board of Directors must ensure the success of the team appraisal and training process. That’s why the first step in our approach is to define together the precise objectives of our intervention, in line with your overall strategy.

Second stage: preliminary meeting with your team

A preliminary meeting with your employees is essential to ensure their buy-in and motivation. This stage not only introduces our firm to your team members, but also ensures that we understand their needs, expectations and career aspirations. This will enable us to tailor the training programme to their specific situation and involve them as fully as possible in the assessment and learning process.

Our areas of action to improve team performance

We offer a wide range of training courses to address the various aspects of your employees’ professional and personal development, such as

  • Analysis and improvement of work processes
  • Developing managerial and leadership skills
  • Improving customer service quality
  • Training in digital tools and innovative technologies
  • Reducing internal conflict and improving team cohesion

To maximise the effectiveness of our interventions and their relevance to each company, we take into account the cultural, sectoral and organisational specificities of each of our customers. Whether you’re a local SME or a multinational, our method will adapt to your context to provide you with tailor-made solutions and meet the current and future challenges facing your teams.

Rigorous post-training follow-up to ensure lasting impact

To ensure the long-term success of our programmes, we make it a point of honour to provide post-training follow-up. This key stage ensures that the skills acquired during our training are applied in practice, thereby guaranteeing a lasting, positive impact on team performance.

Tools to measure the effectiveness of our training courses

To measure the real impact of our training on your company, we offer tools to assess the progress made by your teams following our interventions. For example, we produce comparative reports before and after the programme, or organise feedback sessions with participants to gather their feedback on their training experience and identify possible areas for improvement.

Keeping your staff committed and supporting them over the long term

We are convinced that employee involvement should ensure the success of a training course and guarantee its longevity. We therefore encourage an open channel of communication between the trainers, the company and the team members, in order to maintain this motivation and facilitate their support in the practical application of the newly acquired skills.

Successful examples of team performance assessment

Over the years, our firm has helped many companies to improve the performance of their teams. Here are a few success stories:

  • A multinational pharmaceutical company for whom we improved business processes by training sales directors and regional managers on best practise and winning behaviours in their industry.
  • An IT hardware manufacturer for whom we implemented our programme to improve the quality of technical support and customer service. This reduced the average length of telephone calls by more than 50%, improved the rate of problem resolution on the first call and increased customer satisfaction.
  • A start-up specialising in e-commerce for which our training courses focused on personal development, the team members learned to understand each other better and to work together. The result was harmonious collaboration and a significant increase in overall productivity.

By using our corporate team performance appraisal service, you’ll have a key tool for guaranteeing the success of your projects and ensuring the professional fulfilment of each and every one of your employees.