Cabinet de recrutement Bruxelles Archetype

Hire a Country Manager

Country manager Belgique
Experts in Human Capital for 30 years!


3 233
2 500



Recruiting a Country Manager or Director profile is not just about ordinary knowledge. It’s about finding a leader, a manager ready to turn challenges into opportunities. It’s the search for a professional, someone responsible for setting up a brand or product abroad who is ready to propel your company forward and establish lasting partnerships. He or she must have in-depth knowledge of the target country, as well as proven marketing expertise. Archetype can find the best Country Manager profiles, as well as other profiles such asĀ Account Manager,Ā Sales Manager,Ā Technical Sales Representative, etc., for Belgian companies, even on an international scale.

Expertise in finding Country Manager talent

The Country Manager is a professional in charge of launching, developing and managing an offer abroad, from production to marketing. He acts as a link between the parent company and the subsidiary, aiming to increase sales in a foreign context. He/she is responsible for structuring international development, defining subsidiary strategy, team management and competitive intelligence. The ideal profile is a university or business school graduate, with skills in commerce, languages, management and knowledge of the field. Salaries range from ā‚¬60K/year at the outset to ā‚¬130K/year for the most experienced.

Archetype is a recruitment agency based in Belgium that recruits marketing, sales and management profiles, such as Country Managers. Thanks to our long experience and our network of qualified professionals, Archetype is able to quickly and efficiently identify the best profiles to meet the needs of each client company.

High-performance tools to make research more profitable

To facilitate the selection process of potential candidates, at Archetype we maintain a comprehensive, regularly updated database containing relevant information on each profile, such as education, professional experience and specific skills. Our firm also uses advanced CV analysis techniques to ensure a rigorous and efficient selection of each candidate.

Careful analysis of business needs

At Archetype, we understand that management positions such as Country Manager are very specific and require very particular skills. So, before beginning the search, our experts take the time to study in detail the customer’s requirements, such as the size and structure of the local team, short- and long-term objectives, as well as the sector of activity concerned. This personalized approach enables our firm to propose profiles tailored to the specific expectations and constraints of each organization.

Bringing companies and talent together in a flexible, responsive way

The process of matching candidates with client companies relies on our flexibility and responsiveness at Archetype. In addition to our expertise in human resources, our consultants provide a fast, personalized service. This guarantees satisfaction for all parties involved.

Carefully structured assessments

To assess the aptitudes and motivation of selected candidates, Archetype generally conducts individual or group interviews, using a variety of evaluation methods.

  • The in-depth interview aims to assess the candidate’s motivation, ambition, personality and professional skills.
  • Case studies use everyday situations to identify tactical motivations.
  • Prior to the interview, a personality test to measure personality and sales skills.
  • Candidates also take a sales or management test, developed in-house according to the position concerned.
  • Specific role-playing exercises are organized to interact with candidates.

This comprehensive approach ensures that each candidate has the knowledge, skills and mindset required to succeed as a Country Manager.

Personalized support throughout the recruitment process

At Archetype, during the entireĀ recruitment process, we ensure meticulous follow-up of each application, with regular communication to our client companies. Thanks to this close collaboration, our firm is able to quickly adjust its strategy if necessary. In this way, we offer an additional guarantee of finding the ideal profile for every vacancy.

Job offers tailored to the requirements of Country Manager positions

To help companies attract the best talent available on the market, we at Archetype also offer job vacancies specifically designed to meet the needs of executive and country manager positions. These offers are regularly updated and feature the benefits associated with each job, such as professional development opportunities, attractive working conditions and competitive remuneration packages.

Thanks to our expertise in human resources and our extensive professional network, our consultants can also advise client companies on best practices for streamlining their presence on the job market, thereby generating greater interest and commitment from potential candidates. This increased visibility attracts the best profiles and increases the chances of successful recruitment.

Why choose Archetype to recruit your Country Manager?

Our firm has proven experience in the search and placement of executive profiles and management positions, such as Country Managers. Thanks to our extensive professional network, Archetype consultants have rapid access to the best talent available on the market. Our rigorous selection process guarantees total satisfaction for both client companies and successful candidates.